Bridging New Pathways: A Native/non-Native Cross Cultural Dialog for Understanding
Saturday, Nov. 13, Noon to 9 pm First Congregational UCC 23rd and Woodlawn, Boise
This Kessler-Keener Lectures, Inc. event includes workshops on cultural competency, historical trauma in Native peoples and "Race Matters".
The evening program includes performances from the Mentor Artist's Playwright Project (plays written by youth from Nez Perce and Coeur d'Alene Tribes performed with the assistance of local adult actors) and an artists' reception which includes photography from a photovoice project with youth in Lapwai.
Several of the youth from both Coeur d'Alene and Nez Perce Tribes will be there to talk about their project experiences. The luncheon will be Native American fare.
Idaho Public Health Association PO Box 6247 Boise ID 83707