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CDC CHANGE Tool Train-the-Trainer Workshop

  • 09 Nov 2011
  • 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Springhill Suites Marriott, Boise ID


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Idaho’s Healthy Communities Program
is pleased to announce:



Train-the-Trainer Workshop


November 9, 2011

11:00 am – 5:00 pm


Springhill Suites Marriott

424 E Parkcenter Blvd

Boise, ID 83706


FREE to those who pre-register by Nov. 2!
Lunch will be served.


Join us in Boise on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, for a hands-on training experience to look at the importance of implementing  and assessing policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change strategies; assessing your community; and taking action to make improvements to create healthier communities for all.

Idaho’s local public health district’s will be convening diverse teams of community-members to conduct the CHANGE Tool.  Teams will work together to answer questions about specific community sectors; guide conversations and generate ideas; identify problem areas and highlight strengths; advocate for policy implementation; and put strategies into place to make lasting changes that benefit the entire community.

Purpose of the CHANGE Tool

•·        Identify community strengths and areas for improvement.

•·        Identify and understand the status of community health needs.

•·        Define improvement areas to guide the community toward implementing and sustaining policy, systems, and environmental changes around healthy living strategies (e.g., increased physical activity, improved nutrition, reduced tobacco use and exposure, and chronic disease management).

•·        Assist with prioritizing community needs and consider appropriate allocation of available resources.


For more information, contact:

Katie Frith Lamansky, CHES
Health Program Specialist

Idaho Physical Activity and Nutrition Program
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
450 W. State Street, 6th Floor. Boise, ID 83720
Ph: (208) 334.4951/Cell: (208) 484.9569 /Fx: (208) 334.6573  
LamanskK@dhw.idaho.gov      IPAN Website


Rooms available at Springhill Suites by Marriott (Boise Parkcenter) for $77 per night. Call 208-342-1044 for reservations and mention our room block.

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