IPHA's Policy Intern, Maija Teppola Baehr, will be monitoring issues and legislation related to
public health during the 2019 Idaho Legislative
Session. Maija grew up in Oregon and completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Oregon in 2011. Her degree was in Planning, Public Policy and Management with an emphasis in Global Health and Development. She then served in the Peace Corps in Togo, West Africa and has worked at several public health non-profits since. She is passionate about health policy to enhance health equity and empower underprivileged, underserved populations. Maija is in her final semester of the Master of Health Science program at Boise State University. In her spare time, you'll probably find her out for a run with her Husky mutt, Froley, or spending time with her Husband Jeff.
Maija will write weekly legislative updates to be sent Sunday evenings. These updates will cover major changes as a result of the prior week, as well as alerts for important changes coming in the week ahead. To receive her updates via email on Sundays, make sure you are an active IPHA member. The updates will be posted to the IPHA website live the following Monday.
Past updates can be found at: http://www.ipha.wildapricot.org/Past-Legislature
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 14